Saturday, November 20, 2010


This blog has one simple mission - To educate and inform people like me and you about the tremendous need to protect and preserve wildlife.

The world was created beautiful. It was man's job to care for and tend to the earth. As the years have gone by people have forgotten their duty to God's creation.

As people expand, cities go up. As civilization grows the natural habitat dwindles away. Yes, progress in the human world is good. However, when our progress demolishes natures habitats and our animal neighbors fall towards extinction Man's gone too far. A perfect balance needs to be found.

But unfortunately, human expansion is not the only threat to wildlife. Do the words "poachers" or "illegal traders" sound familiar? It is a fact that only between 5,000 to 7,000 wild tigers roam the earth. If you think about it, that's not many. Not many at all. Tigers are hunted and killed for fur. This is illegal. If tiger poaching continues the tiger population will be wiped out. Just think, your grandchildren will read about tigers and dinosaurs on the same textbook page. Unless, you do your part to save the earth. Inform yourself about what's going on in the world around you and take action.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Juliana I like your new blog!
    7,000 Tigers left!
    Wow, that's not many!
    So were are you going first?
